“In case there is a loss in cabin pressure, yellow oxygen masks will deploy from the ceiling compartment located above you. To secure, pull the mask towards you, secure the elastic strap to your head, and fasten it so it covers your mouth and nose. Breathe normally. Even if the bag does not inflate, please keep in mind that oxygen is flowing. If you are travelling with a child or someone else who needs assistance, please make sure to secure your own mask before assisting others.”
– Flight attendants everywhere
If you’ve ever flown on a plane, you’ve heard the speech above, and for those who are frequent fliers, you probably could recite it verbatim. It becomes like background noise after awhile, and most passengers aren’t even really paying attention.
The vitally important part is to secure your own mask before assisting others. If you pass out, you’re no help to anyone else. They put this in because there are many of us who think first of others before ourselves.
It’s nice to think of others, to be considerate and generous, kind and giving. There are many people around us in our families and communities and world who need our help. You can get so focused on giving your time, energy and money to worthy people and causes that you get burned out. And then you collapse or become ill, and perhaps then you’ll take a break to recharge.
The holidays are nearly upon us, and for many, this means even more activities, expenses, visiting and, of course, eating! There’s much to look forward to…but sometimes, it all seems a little TOO much. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed, or looking for a way to stay more present this holiday season, join me beginning next week for a four-part telecourse which includes tools to help you tune into your inner wisdom, simplify expectations, achieve your goals and enjoy your holidays more. Each 75-minute session will be held on Tuesday evenings and also recorded and distributed, along with handouts.
What wonderful timing, Emily.
I often wonder what the world would be like if we all put our own masks on first…
Thank you.