Using Your Energy to Heal

In a medical intuition course I’m taking, I’m learning more about the energetic causes of disease. One of the basic principles in the course describes how our bodies can leak energy, which, over time, can lead to health problems.

Your Daily Energy Allotment

Imagine that each morning, you receive an allotment of energy, and before you even get up, your mind and body decide where some of that energy goes. Any area of “unfinished business” subtracts from your total allotment. Unfinished business can take many forms, including subconscious, learned rules or beliefs from your family of origin that are in conflict with your current state of being, emotions that you haven’t processed, or resentments toward people in your past or present. Before you even get out of bed, it is possible to deplete your energetic allotment due to unfinished business. But you still need to get through your day! You need to get energy from somewhere.

Borrowing Energy

There are two ways to get energy: you can take it from other people (have you heard the term ‘energetic vampire?’), or you can take it from your cells. Taking energy from your cells’ stores works for a while…until you deplete those reserves. At that point, your health starts to suffer, as organs or systems don’t have what they need to continue to function normally. The depletion of your cells’ energy can have numerous effects on the state of your health.

Stopping the Leaks

Although I’ve been on a path of personal growth and development for several years, learning about this concept was a huge light bulb moment for me. I can see where I have gone into “energetic debt” in my own body, contributing to some of the health challenges I’ve been experiencing over the past few years. I believe there are multiple causes for health problems, including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual factors. I’ve found that, for me, healing has to occur on all these levels for me to be functioning optimally. I value the role medicine and my healthcare professionals play in my health. And, I know that part of the healing journey is mine to make.

At one time, I may have judged myself harshly for getting into this energetic debt situation. It could be seen as evidence that I haven’t been doing my work – the work of tending to my emotions, finding and dissolving limiting beliefs, and dismantling the baggage that we all carry. However, that judgment feels like additional heavy baggage to me, and I’m not picking it up. Perhaps one of the perks of being in an energetic debt situation is that I am more aware of patterns that don’t serve me and I can more consciously choose not to participate in them. Frankly, I don’t have the energy for that!

Now, I’m on a mission to identify and eliminate any leakages in my energetic body. It’s working, as I’m feeling better, thinking more clearly, and having more stamina to accomplish all the things I want to do. And this framework has given me an excellent starting point to help my clients who are suffering from chronic health conditions, fatigue, or burnout.

It’s time for our energy to be focused on healing and moving forward, not leaking out to feed past regrets, resentments, or belief structures that no longer serve us.

2 thoughts on “Using Your Energy to Heal

  • May 17, 2017 at 8:12 pm

    You make such a great point and it aligns perfectly with my experience, too. This: “I believe there are multiple causes for health problems, including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual factors. I’ve found that, for me, healing has to occur on all these levels for me to be functioning optimally. I value the role medicine and my healthcare professionals play in my health. And, I know that part of the healing journey is mine to make.” Yes. Thank you.

  • June 14, 2017 at 3:22 pm

    I have been down a very similar past to yours, Emily – and I have recovered.
    Energy definitely played an important role in this. Reiki energy healing helped give me a boost when I needed one. It essentially helps the energy levels rebalance in the mind and particularly in the body.
    Another thing that I found was important was understanding the cause of neuro-muscular tension, and how to release it. This article may be of interest to you:


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