“Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
It is the first day of a new year. I am full of the sense of possibility and hope for the year ahead. And while each new day is a beginning, a chance to start anew, the start of a new year seems more momentous.
I am grateful for the experiences and lessons I’ve learned along my path, and my hope is to ease the journeys of others who may be struggling with similar challenges as those I’ve faced. As I continue to explain to friends, family, and people I meet what being a life coach means, I feel honored to be able to help my clients, teaching them tools to reduce their stress, increase their joy, and tune into their inner wisdom to find their purpose.
So here’s to 2012. What will it bring? I hope to face each day with wonder and appreciation, celebration and love. There are bound to be difficulties, and I hope I remember to ask for help and stay open to learning. Let the journey begin again!