When I began my life coach training program in January 2011, I had no idea that the journey I was beginning would completely change my life. To be honest, I hoped it would change my profession. (And it did.) But I didn’t realize the profound effects it would have on everything else. And I also believed that the journey would be the length of the program, about 9 months. However, the tools and skills I learned to help clients, as well as the direction to “live it to give it” and use the tools on ourselves, has changed how I approach every frustration, challenge, set-back, accomplishment and opportunity that comes my way.
A client recently asked me to share how I got to where I am now, and it is difficult for me now to relate to the woman I once was. There was a time, about 7-8 years ago, when I was so cut off from my feelings, both physically and emotionally. I was afraid to feel the pain that I thought would be never-ending that I numbed myself to it all. Unfortunately, you can’t selectively numb just the pain. In numbing – whether you choose to do it with prescriptions, legal or illegal substances or just stuffing your feelings – you also lose the ability to know at a deep level what you enjoy.
“Does that sound crazy?” clients ask me. “I don’t even know what I want.”
No, it doesn’t sound crazy. I’ve been there. And there is a way out of that place.
There’s a part of you that does know, that has always known. It doesn’t speak in words, so it is often overshadowed by the inner voice in our head that maintains a constant dialogue. We place so much emphasis and credibility on words, that the wordless knowing goes unnoticed.
I remember, back when I was disconnected from my inner knowing, from my spirit’s wisdom, when I would hear people say, “You have all the answers inside of you.” That would make me SO angry and frustrated. “NO I DON’T!” I felt like shouting, along with some choice profanity.
Sometimes, it helps to have a guide to take your hand, show you where the path is and how to find it again when you wander off. It’s my great joy to be able to do this work with others, to reconnect them with their inner wisdom, to help them find their path, and to teach them new ways to navigate this world.