How Do You Spell ‘Relief?’

Ultimate Relief: Looking over my knees at the beautiful beach in Roatan, Honduras

Do you remember that old Rolaids commercial? I know I’m dating myself by sharing this, but it popped into my head during a cold walk around a local lake in the misty rain and I couldn’t help but giggle! (If you want a trip down commercial memory lane, watch this 1981 Rolaids ad with Roger Staubach!)

So often, we are looking for things or people or experiences that we think will make us feel better. Maybe we are looking for a partner or spouse to feel loved. Or a new job that will make us feel appreciated. Or better finances to make us feel secure. But it’s our interpretation that those things will give us those feelings — certainly not everyone who has a partner feels loved all the time. And most jobs have times when it’s just hard work and appreciation goes by the wayside. And money? Well, it cures everything, right? (I’m hoping that you can read the sarcasm in my words here!)

Perhaps the best thing we can do for ourselves is answer the question, how can I feel better now, in my current circumstances? It could be doing something nice for yourself — like after that cold walk in the rain and wind, I took a hot bath — PLEASE NOTE, you must be able to turn off the critical voice in your head for a few minutes while you enjoy your treat. You know the one, that says horrible things like “You don’t have time for a bath! There’s laundry to do! You should be doing something productive, but now that you’re going for it, look how fat you’ve gotten.” Give that voice a peanut butter sandwich to munch on and for a few minutes, just relax.

But back to relief…if you can’t think of something to do, consider NOT doing something. Give yourself a break from the incredible pace of your overachieving life and leave something undone. I’m not suggesting that you decide not to pick up your kids from the babysitter or not stop at a red light, but there are plenty of things we do each day, that we tell ourselves we HAVE TO do, that truly aren’t necessary for our life to continue.

How do I spell relief? A hot bath is pretty wonderful. Music also brings me joy, and this time of year, I enjoy singing and harmonizing the holiday favorites with my family. Another small thing — and I’m doing it right now! — is heating up my cinnamon & cloves heating pad (similar to this one) and wrapping it around my shoulders. (A great gift from my sister a few years ago.)

So how do you spell relief?

I Choose

I have just returned home from a visit to New Mexico. My parents are staying in Cloudcroft, NM to escape the seemingly unending Texas heat, and they invited me up for a long weekend. After 64 days over 100 degrees Fahrenheit here in Austin, it was glorious to breathe the much-cooler, fresh mountain air and feel a chill that made me enjoy putting on a light jacket.

Talking today with a new friend, I mentioned I moved to Austin a little over a year ago from NYC and how much I enjoyed all four seasons in New York. He commented that our summer heat must be really unbearable for me, but you know, it hasn’t been. I have lived in Texas before, and I am familiar with the heat. But this year has been different for me also because I chose to live in Austin. I chose to move here, knowing full well the summers are hot and long. And I am grateful to be here, close to my family and good friends and around abundant TexMex food. I am looking forward to the cooler temps of fall, but I’m not going to argue with the weather. It’s pointless — I’m not going to win — and what does it serve to be annoyed with the heat? It only ends up making me miserable. I am grateful for air conditioning, though!

I have learned that it doesn’t serve me to live my life playing the martyr, or giving up my personal responsibility by saying “I have to…” Saying (even if just internally), “I choose to…” is much more empowering, putting me in the driver’s seat of my own life. I own the choices I’ve made and accept the consequences. If I don’t like the consequences, I have the ability to make another choice. What are you choosing to do?