Letting Go and Finding the Wisdom of My Soul

A few years ago, my life seemed to fall apart. One by one, I experienced major losses in my work, my social support, my health, my relationship, my hopes for the future… At the bottom of it all, I was quite literally adrift, not even having an official address to call home. It was obvious I was in what we Martha Beck coaches call Square One, which is analogous to the caterpillar going into the chrysalis and melting down into goo. And I knew that Square One isn’t the best time to make decisions, so I gave myself permission to sit in the unknown: I didn’t know where I was going to live – not even which city. I didn’t know if my coaching practice would bounce back or when I’d be ready to coach again. I didn’t know how I was going to make money to support myself since the consulting work I’d been doing was gone. And I didn’t know how I was going to repair my health, or mend my broken heart.

I am fortunate that I have an amazing family and friend network that literally took me in during that time. For six months, I stayed at different loved ones’ homes, in different parts of the country. They fed me and housed me and let me grieve, as I tried to make sense of what had happened and why.

It was difficult for this “control enthusiast” to sit in all that unknown. My brain was spinning with all the questions, focused on all that I had lost and all that wasn’t certain. It was challenging to sleep because I couldn’t get my brain to shut it off. Although I had tried meditating before, it became a necessity now. I used guided meditations and mantra meditations just for the few moments of peace it offered.

“Wherever you go, there you are.”

I grew up moving around every few years, as the family followed my dad’s career in the airline industry. I’d continued the moving pattern throughout my adulthood, so I was used to relocating and creating my home wherever I lived. This time felt different, though, because I didn’t know where to move. And I had never been in a situation where I didn’t have a forwarding address.

As I was staying with different people, living out of a couple suitcases for months, I began to turn more and more inward. With so much having been stripped from my external world, I clung to what I did have: the love of family, the support of friends around the globe, my coaching tools, my resilient spirit.

When you lose everything (or nearly everything), You still exist. While I actively focused on healing and recovering, I began developing a stronger connection to my spirituality. As one of the healers at that time said, “It’s as if your life has been going along on a horizontal path. Now, it’s vertical.”

I also began experimenting more, trying different healing modalities and techniques to connect into my soul’s wisdom. I began hearing my inner wisdom stronger than I ever had before, and I learned how to trust it and use it to create my new life.

Following My Heart & Soul

The path to healing – for my heart, my body and my spirit – hasn’t been easy, but I have discovered the treasures my challenges offered. I’m a different person than the one I used to be…more Me now, more authentic, more peaceful and grounded in the truth of Who I Am, and more accepting and loving of myself.

The gifts of my healing process have been many, and I’m pleased to be able to share them now with others. One of the ways I’m doing this is through a private community I’ve built called HeartBeing. For years, I let my head lead my life, ignoring the yearnings and guidance of my heart. Now, I’m practicing letting my heart lead the way, and the community I’ve created nurtures and supports others who are courageously following their own hearts. (Reach out to me if you’d like to join us.)

SoulMsgs_OpenHeartI’m also in collaboration with my dear friend and colleague Jody Low-A-Chee in the upcoming Messages from Your Soul workshop. I have had the honor of knowing Jody since we went through coach training together in 2011, and her wisdom and immense capacity for love have often been a safe harbor for me during turbulent times. We have created the workshop to share several techniques for accessing the wisdom and guidance inherent in each of our souls, knowing the opportunity to gather together with others who are on the spiritual path of growth and discovery can accelerate and strengthen those connections. The workshop is scheduled for April 21, 2016 in the beautiful Umlauf Sculpture Garden in Austin, Texas. We are also in discussions to offer it in different cities later in the year. (Let me know if you are interested in bringing it to your area.)

If the woman I am today could speak to the past me, during that time of so much loss and uncertainty, I would tell her: “It’s all going to be okay. I know it’s not okay now, but it will be. And you, with your strength and your big heart and your resilience, you will get through the pain and find joy again. Be gentle with yourself. Be kind to your wounded heart. Find the places and activities that bring you peace and immerse yourself in them often. Take comfort in the fact that one day, you will wake up and feel so incredibly blessed and grateful for the life you are living. You are me. I am you. All is well.