I recently asked the question, “Why am I having so much physical pain? (And, what can I do to not have so much?)” in a guided meditation. The message I got was clear and emphatic: Stop trying to be something you’re not!
On some levels, I’ve never been as congruent as I am now. I think back to when I was in a job I really didn’t like, knowing it absolutely wasn’t the right job for me but partially seduced by the financial benefits and partially just overwhelmed into inaction by the indecision of what else to do. Now, I choose what projects and clients I get to work on. It’s been such a relief and feels so freeing to do the work that I am best at, and refuse projects that do not fit what I do best.
So where am I still not being fully who I am designed to be? That’s the question I’m still pondering for myself, in meditation and journaling. I know there is relief in letting go of trying to be something I’m not, and freedom and self-acceptance in being who I am. I have a hunch my focus in coaching is shifting. My coaching practice for the past three years has focused on coaching people on work, helping them find more joy, passion and success in what they do. I love it, and yet lately, more people are coming to me looking for something bigger than work, and the coaching is going into more big picture purpose and spiritual connections. It’s extremely fun and interesting, and I feel very much of a fellow traveler on this journey with my clients, perhaps leading them from just a step or two ahead on the path. I don’t know where it’s going yet, but I am totally in for the ride.
Where are you trying to be something you’re not? What steps can you take to be more authentically You?