I keep getting more and more reminders that success for each of us is really very individual. While we may look to experts or others who have “made it” for inspiration and ideas, we still have to find our own way. And for most of us, this requires quite a bit of trial and error.
I’m seeing this in my life in multiple areas. One is my diet. My body has become extremely sensitive to all kinds of foods – and “sensitive” is the nice way to say it violently rejects things that aren’t good for it. I’ve done some reading and research of why this might be happening. I found both medical and spiritual explanations for the cause, and there are numerous diets and cleanses all claiming to have the answer to fix it.
A part of me often wishes for, and looks for, an easy solution to things. I buy books and read articles online looking for The Answer. I find it comforting to learn and follow guidelines with an expected outcome. Unfortunately, someone else’s idea of The Way doesn’t mean it will work for everyone. I must try different ideas and processes, learning what works for me and what doesn’t, creating my own hodge-podge version with pieces of this and parts of that, mixed with my own preferences and style.
The same is true for my clients. Many times a new client will ask me what my process is, what steps I will take them through. And while I do have a set of tools I regularly teach and use, I don’t have one prescribed process I take everyone through. I value the uniqueness of each person’s strengths, challenges and journey, and I customize the sessions to best meet each client’s goals and current situation.
That’s one of the reasons I’m so excited about my new program, which I have whimsically called the Magical Mystical Tour. Rather than putting forward one way of thinking about how to use and leverage energy and intuition, I’m introducing you to five of my favorite practitioners of “the Woo.” Listening to each of these incredible women will give you a variety of styles and ways to explore. If you’re looking for a way to learn more about how to use energy in your life, this is a great way to get a sampling of several different ways.
As always, keep searching for the path that works best for you, realizing that it’s likely a unique one, just as you are a unique expression of the Universe. And if you find that you’ve somehow lost the trail, or that what you used to do is no longer working for you, I can help you find your way.