Permission to Shine

Have you ever known someone who was so talented, bright, well spoken, creative and just all-around amazing…but they didn’t step into their gifts? You can see how much they have to offer the world, but whether it’s lack of confidence, fear of failure or fear of rejection, they just play it safe, keeping their brilliance muted, always coloring in the lines and holding their tongue.

The world is constantly giving us messages in the people and experiences around us. It’s all feedback that can be used for learning and as guides in self-discovery. You may have heard that when you are annoyed with someone in your life, it’s because you don’t like those same characteristics in yourself. It’s often easier to blame someone else for being selfish than to admit we are selfish. The same is true for those we admire. We wouldn’t be able to recognize admirable qualities if we didn’t have at least the potential for them ourselves.

That person you know who’s holding back their magnificence? It’s You.

You may be waiting for someone to tell you it’s okay to speak out, to follow your passion, that it’s your time now. But you know what? The only person who can really give you permission to Be You is You.

"It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us...Your playing small does not serve the world." ~ Marianne Williamson

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