Navigating this Wild, New World

“To navigate the wild world, you need to move your basic perceptual and analytical thinking out of your head and into the whole inner space of the body.”
Martha Beck, Finding Your Way In A Wild New World

As much as I know time marches on, it’s still amazing to be at the last week of 2011 and look back on the year that has passed. I went through my photos from this year to pull out a few for my holiday card, and remembered the trips I took, the relationships that were deepened, and the huge step I took this year to drastically change my career and follow my passion for coaching.

While my life has been changing in large part because of changes I have made, both internally and externally, I am also aware of great shifts in the world. Our world is changing radically. Systems and structures that once seemed steadfast and permanent have collapsed under economic upheaval or tsunamis. The ideas and beliefs that we once held as “tried and true” methods aren’t always working anymore.

I’m thrilled that one of my favorite authors (and my teacher) Martha Beck has a new book coming out TOMORROW. I enjoy her writing for its honesty, brilliance, inspiration and laughter-inducing humor and have been anxiously awaiting this latest treasure, Finding Your Way in a Wild New World. As a Martha Beck coach, I’ve been given some glimpses, sneak-peaks and overviews, which have done nothing but whet my appetite for the rest of the book even more! In it, Martha describes new ways to navigate your life to fulfill your life’s purpose. I have already pre-ordered the book (available at and should magically receive it delivered to my Kindle tomorrow, at which point you will be able to find me cuddled on the couch with my cat, savoring every word.

I invite you to get the book, too, and read it between now and February. Then, join me for a free, virtual book club where we’ll discuss the content, try out the exercises and support each other on this incredible journey. I’ve organized the book club on Mondays in February at 12 noon Central Standard Time. Each call will last 45-60 minutes and will be recorded, so if you have to miss one, by registering, you can still get the mp3’s for your listening pleasure. Register to join the group.

Should make for an excellent and interesting launch for 2012!


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