Finding Your Focus for 2014

I like the opportunity of a new year. It is ripe for fresh starts, and the turn of the calendar reminds me of a clean slate to begin anew.

Perhaps it’s because I work in the self-help arena, but I have been bombarded with marketing messages to join new programs that promise to fix me. It’s exhausting and overwhelming. It could be overwhelming because of where I am in my life…I’m dreaming and scheming about what I want my Next to look and feel like.

Often, when I am searching for answers to those big life questions like “What do I do now?” or “What am I supposed to be?” I find myself signing up for classes, buying lots of books and consulting the Experts. I’ve done my share of that in the past few months, diving in and learning a lot. But interestingly, the answers to the questions I’m asking can’t come from outside of me. They have to come from inside.

Answers_WithinSo as I begin this new year, I find myself simplifying more. I have chosen to focus on a few key areas to learn more about that will help me personally and help me be a better coach. Whenever I start to feel overwhelmed, I remind myself of my focus and purpose for this year and question if the thoughts or activities I’m considering are in service with that purpose. If they’re not, I drop them and consciously choose to direct my thoughts and actions towards my purpose again. It’s only the second week, but I already feel clearer by doing this.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed already by all the demands on your time, all the goals you want to accomplish, and all the dreams you want to create in your reality, I invite you to simplify with me. Choose one or two ideas, concepts or activities you want to focus on. You can do this mentally, as I am, being aware of your thoughts and feelings and directing them back on track when needed. Or, you can write yourself reminders, posting a word or phrase in a place you will see it daily, like the bathroom mirror, your computer monitor or the refrigerator.

Wishing you a blessed and enlightening 2014.

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