I was recently interviewed by Jen Lewellen, a graduate student who had the assignment of interviewing a coach for her Executive Coaching class. The experience was delightful and enlightening for me. Having someone ask me questions and just answering spontaneously made me realize how pieces of my experience have shaped me and what I’m doing now, and it gave me additional clarity on what is important to me as a coach and intuitive. Here’s the transcript from some of our conversation:
Q: How did you choose the Martha Beck Life Coach training program?
I heard her (Martha) speak in 2008. At the beginning of coach training, Martha had us take the “Kolbe Test,” which tells you your cognitive type – how you do things in the world. I am considered a “quick-start”… it shows up in the way I handled this decision (and some other life choices!). I didn’t actually investigate other coaching options. That isn’t my process style; It’s more of a gut thing. When I heard her speak, the things she said lit a spark in me. I started reading her book on flight back home and doing the exercises. Soon after, I signed up for her blog and saw she had this coach training. Some time passed… I knew I was in a job that I was good at but I didn’t enjoy, and I needed to make a change. It was a couple years later that I enrolled in the training..
Q: As a self-described “quick starter,” this actually seems like a long decision making time for you. What happened there?
I think it was fear that kept me from making this decision. There was a voice in me that said “You can’t do that (be a coach); you are a digital marketer! Who is going to listen to you? How can you do that?” I think I just listened to that voice for too long. Her exercises helped me to break through some of that fear. I remember Martha talking about if you don’t know which way to go take one small step (she calls them turtle steps), or take steps towards what feels ‘warmer’ … so I was living in NYC and I knew it wasn’t right on so many levels… and my first warm step was to move to Austin (keep my job, but move closer to family). That was one of my first steps towards what felt ‘warmer’; I still had the job… but was moving away from it (NY was the center of the action; Austin just an office with 5 people). Six months later I started the coach training.
Q: What do you enjoy most about coaching?
There are two things – # 1 it has hugely impacted my life in a positive way – going through the training and the master coach program, you work on all your own stuff. It’s been transformative, giving me the freedom from my own thoughts. #2 getting to share that with other people … hearing the A-ha’s, the breakthrough moments. You can tell when people are breaking through the internal prisons they have kept themselves in for so long.
Q: What are your clients like?
My clients are people who are seeking more fulfillment in their life. They are yearning to lead a life with purpose and feel the pull of their heart and soul to do something meaningful. Some of my clients feel stuck in a life that no longer fits, and they feel called to do something more. I also help people who feel like their life has fallen apart (usually a combination of physical, financial and relational crises) to find their center again.
Q: Tell me more about the Intuition part of your practice. How did you figure out that you had this gift, this ability? How did you react to it?
It’s still kind of new to me [to be public about]… I didn’t know I had this for a long time. I have an intuition teacher who believes that we all have intuitive gifts, but that we are not taught in our culture to develop them. We are actually taught to squelch them, and she teaches people to unlock it.
Before I began training with her, I did know that I was clairsentient; that I feel what other people feel. There are different types of intuition. There is clairvoyance, like seeing pictures in your mind, such as a metaphor or a vision. There is clairsentient, which I already mentioned. There is clairaudient, which is hearing things… like voices, but not in a crazy way! And then there is claircognizant, which is a knowing, and I have that too, and it has been the easiest for me to discount because I’ll have a knowing for something and I don’t know how I know it… the logical part of my brain challenges that ‘knowing’ – how can I know that? That is what I discounted, which I did for years, because I had no evidence, no proof or research. It’s been a process of learning to trust that.
When I started realizing I was clairsentient was during the coach training. My initial reaction was to shut it down – I didn’t want to feel other peoples’ stuff, I have enough of my own! It was like the Hero’s Journey (identified by Joseph Campbell) — I was denying the call… the first couple years was about learning to set energetic boundaries so I didn’t pick it all up, and then learning to release the “heaviness” of what I picked up. So the first part of that was learning energetic hygiene.
When I lost “everything,” (in 2013) when I felt like I had nothing, I still had my soul and I started connecting more to it. The question for me was, ‘What is my soul supposed to learn from this?’ And I started taking the intuitive classes and to tap in more regularly to that. It feels like play and fun to me. I can mostly choose now when I pick up stuff or not.
It helps with my coaching tremendously because I can pick up what is going on with my clients. Some of my sessions are combination sessions where I do an intuitive reading and translate for them what I am getting, and then we follow that with a coaching session. It helps my clients get more insight into a challenge they’re having. An intuitive reading is more of a picture that I can give them to work with. I don’t get all the answers; I will feel things and ask my higher self if these feelings are about me or them, and then I ask what does this feeling mean? Which leads me to a knowing or an image or a metaphor, and I write down everything I get. I look at the chakras and tap into those and what is going on in each energy center. It’s not like I know what exactly is going on with them, but the sensations or visions I get prompt me to ask the questions that lead to things we can coach on. It is a deeper line into the coaching.
Q: What is your coaching philosophy and how have you seen your philosophy evolve / change with experience and time?
I really believe that there is nothing ‘wrong’ with people, I think we have the answers within us, and it’s not for me to tell someone else what job they should do or how they should live their life. I help them uncover the answers within themselves that they might not realize they have within them. The biggest change has been learning more about the intuition and incorporating that. I see people as whole, not broken, even if they see themselves that way. I can see them as whole and healed. And I can help them connect with that other reality.
Q: In class we are reading about…different empirical and theoretical coaching models. How would you describe your approach? What models do you use?
I have been influenced by the theories on health behavior change, particularly the health belief model and the realization that self-efficacy, the belief in yourself, is critical to making change. I also regularly use Martha Beck’s framework, which helps connect people to their own inner compass for guidance. And I use concepts from positive psychology. I love helping people increase their resiliency and improve well-being.
Q: What about continuing education?
Continuing education is important to me, and I do that through taking courses through other coaches and leaders (like Byron Katie, Deepak Chopra, and others) and through self-study. I’m currently reading and learning more about the framework of emotional intelligence. And one of the things that really interests me is continuing to develop my spiritual and intuitive gifts.
Q: What haven’t I asked you about that I should have?
There is always more than I can possibly say that influences me now, and different things I am trying to weave in. I sing in a women’s group called the Threshold Singers, and we sing in harmony to people who are on the threshold, who are sick or dying. Not sure yet how or where this fits in… One of the songs is called “Holy Angels”… I recorded this for my own practice and to share with my Mom, who has since been sending it to people she knows in pain… and they have sent me responses back telling me how it has helped them. I am not sure if that is coaching or service, or how it fits in but I feel that this is also a part of what I am being called to do.
Q: If you could do one thing differently on the path that got you where you are today – what would it be?
Go through coach training earlier! I wish I hadn’t listened to that “who are you?” voice. But, everything happens in its time; you meet people for reasons that you can’t really know, even while you might be on the “wrong” path. Part of me has regrets, but I really value more what I got out of it – this better connection with myself, my spirit, and who I am. I don’t know if I could have found that without going through what I did, so I am grateful for it.