Wanting More

People hire me to help them overcome a variety of career challenges and stresses, and recently I worked with one client who is frustrated that he’s not in a higher position within his company. It’s a natural frustration – I can clearly remember being part of some organizations where I knew I had more knowledge and/or experience than some of my superiors. Having to take direction from them and knowing that they have more clout in the organization AND are making more money gave my brain lots to chew on. (Martha Beck coaches call this “compare and despair,” where you compare yourself to others and end up feeling despair at your current circumstances.)

As I mentioned previously with regard to emotions, “what we resist persists.” This comes into play in a hierarchy situation, too. By resisting where you are, or “what is,” you prolong it. While it’s a natural human tendency to grow and excel, the key to maintaining your peace & sanity in the moment AND to making the process progress faster is gratitude. Find a way – even if it’s a small thing – to feel thankful for what you have now, for where you are now.

I’ve been recording some new podcast episodes for Possibilities Ahead, the free career podcast series about making decisions that positively impact your career, and we had a question from a listener about wanting more versus feeling grateful for what you have now. I see it in a different perspective. Rather than seeing this as an “either or,” I see it as an “and.” Feel grateful for what you have now AND want more. For example, I am grateful for the clients I have AND I’m looking forward to working with more. I am grateful for my income AND I’d like to increase it next year.

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend." ~ Melody BeattieFeeling gratitude doesn’t mean you’re giving up on more or that you’re completely satisfied, but it does give you something to be happy about and shifts your focus from lack to abundance. This exercise trains your brain to look for the good, and with consistent practice, you can alter your brain chemistry and circuitry.

(If you have a career question you’d like us to consider for a future episode of Possibilities Ahead, submit your question here.)

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