“Understanding on a scientific level how cells respond to your thoughts and perceptions illuminates the path to personal empowerment. The insights we gain through this new biology unleash the power of consciousness, matter, and miracles.” – Bruce Lipton, PhD, The Biology of Belief
I’m recently read Bruce Lipton’s book, The Biology of Belief. As a cell biologist, he provides a scientific approach and explanation for the value of the environment on our cells, and collectively, on our bodies. His research provides a new dimension to understanding life, demonstrating that genes and DNA do not control our biology but instead, DNA is controlled by signals outside the cell, including the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts.
Dr. Lipton recognizes it’s not just about positive affirmations – although those can be helpful – the key is that the subconscious and conscious mind must be in alignment. You can’t just put whipped cream on dirt and call it dessert. As he states, “the subconscious mind is millions of times more powerful than the conscious mind…You can repeat the positive affirmation that you are lovable over and over or that your cancer tumor will shrink. But if, as a child, you heard over and over that you are worthless and sickly, those messages programmed into your subconscious mind will undermine your best conscious efforts to change your life.”
So how do you know if your positive affirmations and your subconscious are in alignment? Sometimes I notice it in my emotions. When they aren’t in alignment, I feel dissonance, and I don’t really believe the positive affirmation. Or, I notice the results – my positive thinking isn’t having the desired effect. This is where I find working with my coach to be very helpful in allowing me to get to the underlying beliefs that are holding me back. A good coach can help you get to the root of the issue, the beliefs that your subconscious mind holds as truths but are limiting your potential.
So hope-giving!! I’m definitely looking into this book.
Betsy, it’s a really good read! Definitely shifted my thinking on quite a few things. XO