Are you feeling excessively drained and tired?
Have you been experiencing lowered energy levels, frequent mood swings, or a weakened immune system?
Do you find it difficult to shut your brain off to fall asleep at night?
Are you a giver, often focused on the well-being of others?
Have you recently ended a relationship with someone who was toxic?
Your energy may be leaking due to energetic cords, or hooks. Everyone we interact with influences our energy: some negatively and some positively. And some people, whether consciously or not, hook our energy field and leech our energy reserves. While not visible, these energetic cords can disturb our energetic space and cause significant deficits in our energy levels, as well as impacting our mental, emotional, and physical health. Energetic cords can leave us feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and with a lack of focus.
You want (and deserve) to feel strong, empowered and energized; to be free of the past; to be fully present in your body and free to express yourself.
Time for an Energy Cleanse
Using a combination of certified pure therapeutic grade essential oils, my intuitive gifts, and coaching skills, I will help you remove any energetic cords and establish healthy boundaries. Without the hooks and with a healthy boundary, you will feel more focused, clear, and unencumbered. I will be your guide and lead you through this process. Benefits of the Energy Cleanse include:
- Feeling more invigorated
- Being more connected to your creativity
- Having the energy for new pursuits and activities
- Getting more restful sleep
- Improving relationship dynamics
- Experiencing better health
What to Expect
Prior to your first session, I will mail you a package with the necessary essential oils for the energetic hook removal protocol, as well as a protection blend. Before we get on the phone for Session #1, I will do an intuitive read of your energy to identify your current state and potential blocks or leaks. On our call, I will share what the information I received during the intuitive reading and lead you through using the oils, applying them to your body in specific locations to remove all the energetic hooks. Following this session, the protection blend will need to be applied daily to the body for 30 days to create a healthy energetic boundary. We will also discuss boundary setting and any concerns you may have on our call.
Prior to Session #2, scheduled a month after the first session, I will check in with you intuitively to assess your energy, and during the call, we will discuss how you’re feeling since the first session. It’s common for people to experience a shift in their physical state as well as in some of their relationships, particularly those that involved hooks. At this point, with the consistent use of the protection blend, your energetic boundary should be strongly established, with notable changes in how others interact with you. I will coach you on any concerns or challenges you face as you shift your energy through this process.
I completed an Energy Cleanse with Emily during a very tumultuous time in my life, when a major relationship came to an abrupt and unsavory end. The process of removing energetic hooks is very powerful, and it is amplified when joining the healing power of therapeutic essential oils, your own powerful intentions, and Emily’s intuitive and compassionate facilitation. The Cleanse not only gave me deeper clarity and peace, it also helped me to strengthen my physical health, which had taken a hit after so much emotional drain. Another happy byproduct was that I experienced a much quieter mind; after the cleanse allowed me to release a lot of pent-up emotion, I no longer felt overwhelmed with unwelcome memories. I also experienced a burst of creativity after this cleanse, which in my business, is crucial! This Energy Cleanse is a great way to set deeper boundaries that give us the space to be fully ourselves, especially following a loss or a significant life change. ~ Kris McGuffie
What’s Included
- Certified therapeutic grade essential oils
- Protection essential oil blend in convenient roller-ball applicator
- Two intuitive readings
- Two coaching sessions
- Email exchange between sessions
Investment: $478.00[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_btn title=”Purchase Energy Cleanse” color=”primary” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Femilydownward.satoriapp.com%2Foffers%2F89414-energy-cleanse|||”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Note: I use döTERRA essential oils for their high quality, which is independently tested by outside laboratories to ensure each batch is certified pure therapeutic grade. Due to custom laws, I can only ship these oils within the U.S. If you live outside the U.S. and wish to experience the Energy Cleanse, contact me for information on how you can order the oils directly.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]