My Mission

What’s your mission in life? Do you know?

Each one of us is created unique, with our individual blend of talents and strengths, and while some know immediately what their purpose is, for me, it took me many years before figuring it out.

After finishing an amazing personal growth program here in Austin called Discovery!, I unlocked from within myself my mission. That’s not to say it won’t change and grow as I learn new things and hone my ideas, but to have something like this that I can grasp onto gives me a feeling of belonging. It’s like coming home — to finally realize what I want to do with my life.

My mission is to help the lost and brokenhearted find their true purpose by loving them and helping them uncover their gifts.

There are many ways to implement this mission, and one I started with is mentoring a young girl at an orphanage in Roatan, Honduras. Mentoring her includes sending regular letters of encouragement and support, and I was thrilled to get the chance to meet her in person in April. While initially shy, she showed a determination and spark while we visited. She’s had a rough start to her young life. I hope to encourage her to keep reaching for dreams and remembering her intrinsic value.

More is on the horizon for me and for this mission. Hope you’ll stay tuned!

One thought on “My Mission

  • May 24, 2011 at 3:11 am

    I found this to be very calming and truthful in it’s content and I wish you well,Emily. 🙂



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