Peace in a Moment

I recently had another birthday. I found myself nostalgic as I remembered how much things have changed in the past year. It was a really challenging year, in so many ways, and I can honestly say now that I’m so grateful for all the lessons I learned, and not just because I’m on the other side of it! I know life is a continual unfolding, and no doubt I will have other challenges ahead. But having so much fall apart at the same time really made me evaluate everything – what works for me and what doesn’t, what I really want in my life, and what I’m not willing to compromise on anymore. I found out just how much love and support I have in my family and friends – words can’t encompass how grateful I am for that. And I’ve also deepened my connection to my inner strength and wisdom, that part of me I call my higher self (or the soul).

BreatheIf you are feeling a bit (or a lot) off-kilter, like you are in over your head and overwhelmed, or possibly like you’ve lost your way and aren’t sure which way to go next, do this simple exercise to help you reconnect and gain a little peace (Do it while you read these steps – it only helps if you DO the steps):

  1. Take three deep breaths. Relax your belly and inhale deeply, then exhale slowly. Three times.
  2. Recognize that in this moment, just for this moment, you’re okay. You have everything you need for this moment.
  3. Find three things you’re grateful for. These can be small or big, people in your life, your favorite things or a dear pet. Focus on what’s going well.

Let me know how you’re doing. I love hearing from you.

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